Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Max 7th Birthday

Max had a bowling party for his 7th birthday. We loved it because it was easy and the kids had a blast!

Halloween 2011

The day after we moved in it was Trick or Treating time! Ben was "too old" according to him to go. So he handed out candy in our garage, but pretended to be a fake scarecrow and scared the dickens out of Treaters as they grabbed for candy. I have to admit it was kind of funny...

Playing In the Dirt with Friends

One good thing about not having grass...our yard is a HUGE sandbox! The kids love playing with friends in the dirt.

Sunday, August 21, 2011


My mom and dad bought a used boat that will allow Ben and Kailey to have a little more freedom to go out on the lake unassisted. Ben absolutely loved it, one day maybe we will give him a motor... When Kailey comes up next summer they will have a good time with their new found freedom!

Copper Falls 2011

We took the kids to Copper Falls. Jeremy has never seen the park and wanted to see the waterfalls. He/we were amazed how Wisconsin can have such a beautiful park... Unfortunately this was a spontaneous trip so all I had to trek the paths were flip flops. My feet were NOT happy!!

House update

The New Stairs!!!

Concrete in the basement

The beginnings of the screened in porch

Packer Family Night 2011

Come rain or shine the Mueller and Nate Family attended our annual outing at Packer Family Night. It started as a beautiful day until after we took our seats. 10 minutes later we were instructed to take cover in the Atrium. After the lightning stopped we went back out into the rain to watch the fireworks. We were drenched, but SOOOO worth it!

Blurry pic, but only one I have of us all!

Ben got his pic taken with the Fence Painter Guy! He was excited to have his picture taken with a "celebrity"!

Before the rain....

Thursday, July 28, 2011

House: Shingles!

One step closer! We now have shingles on the roof! Next and doors! This has been a very exciting process, but the decisions you have to make are incredibly difficult. I hope I made wise choices because there is no going back!

Ben played baseball again this summer. What a huge difference in skill from May until now!! Ben plays third base if he isn't pitching. He has had a great time and we have enjoyed watching!

Shelley and Family 2011

Shelley, Jake, Kailey and Lauren came for their yearly visit. We spent the time on the Lake most of the days. Life is good...

Jeremy on the knee board

Lauren, Max and Maddie

Yes...that is me! I had to hang on in front or I would fall off. My arms hurt so bad the next day!

Shelley knee boarding!

Kailey getting ready to ski

There is my 65 year old dad knee boarding!

Dad coming in after boarding

Ben up on skiis!

My mom bought all the grandkids book lights. Maddie LOVED hers. She loved it so much she fell asleep with it!

I love this pic! All the great-grandchildren with my grandma and grandpa Szelagowski

Chad and Family Visit

Early July Chad (Jeremy's brother) and his wife Tammy and their children Savannah and Mackenzie came for a visit from Texas. After a great trip to the zoo they splashed around in Oconomowoc by Judy. It's always so nice to see family get together like no time has passed at all!

Mackenzie and Savanah

Arde the Talking Head

My little monkeys

Funny Kid Quotes

  • Maddie (yelling walking to a timeout): Mama you're so mean to your children! (age 5)
  • Maddie: I wish I was an only child (age 5)
  • Mama, isn't cleaning out between your toes awesome?! (age 4 1/2)
  • Maddie: lifting up her bare arms...mama do you think my armpits are pretty? (age 4 1/2)
  • Maddie: on the bus today I had a whole bunch of ear wax in my ear. Me: oh, is it better now? Maddie: yup, I just stuck my finger in and scooped it up and wiped it on the bus seat. (age 41/2)
  • Max: Jeremy took the boys out fishing. Max saw a ripple in the water indicating a fish may be on the hook. He was so excited he says..."look dad, there's a nipple!!!!:
  • Maddie: As she was getting on her bikini to go swimming she comes downstairs and I overhear her say to Max, "Arde, will you button my bra in the back for me?" (4)
  • Maddie: took the remote and insisted she knew how to get iCarly on TV. After much stubborness she clicked through the channels and just by chance it landed on iCarly. She looks at me all smug, "I told you I could do it, Mommy. You must have forgot I'm SMART!" (3 1/2)
  • Ben: I think my tongue is broke (9)
  • Grandma Mueller gave Arde some Eggnog icecream for a snack. Max looks at it and says, "Grandma, this doesn't look like my style."
  • I was telling the kids that when I was little St.Nick didn't come visit me when I was a kid. Arde asked, "why mom? Did you live in an orphanage?"
  • Maddie was racing me to her bedroom tonight and cut the bottom of her foot pretty bad. she saw the blood and said, "oh, this isn't going to be good."
  • Maddie out of the blue says to me.."we both have diarrhea don't we mommy?" My response, "not that I know of!"
  • Tonight Maddie told me, "J.T. is my boyfriend." (This is a guy that is helping us design our new house) On the next breath she says, "Richard is also my boyfriend, but don't tell Daddy." (Anyone that knows my wonderful neighbor knows he is in his 60's!!!) We are going to have our hands full with this one!
  • One night I told Maddie she was cracking me up. Her response was, "You want to gobble me all up don't you mommy!?"
  • As I was putting Maddie to bed I told her I was going to go and wished her a goodnight. "Why do you have to go mommy?" I told her my nose was dripping and I had to get a tissue. She held up the bottom part of her pajama shirt and said, "Here mommy, just wipe your nose on my shirt that's what I do."
  • Maddie was mad at me today (like usual). A bee came by her while we were outside and here are her exact words "Bee go away! Go by mommy!"
  • Max: I was having a conversation about a good friend of Max's who is spanish. Max said Oscar has black skin so he is black. I corrected him by saying Oscar is spanish. Max's response was "He's not Spanish mom, he speaks human!"
  • Crying in bed one night, I asked Max why he was sad. He said, "The world is just so hard."
  • Max: You're all making me crabby
  • Max: I wish Ben didn't have a mouth
  • Maddie: Don't look at me!
  • Ben to Maddie: Maddie, don't even think about it. My patience is wearing thin! (I wonder who that sounds like)
  • Max: Mom, do you wish you were Amish?
  • Mom to Max: Max, did you cut off the pony's mane with scissors? Max responds: Well, that depends if I'm going to get into trouble or not
  • Max: (After eating a cob of sweet corn)...Mmmmm, I mow'd it down like a chicken
  • Maddie: Whook it, Mommy! Whook it! (look it)
  • Max: Mom! Stop talking! I have cookie in my eyeball!
  • Ben: You want a piece of me?
  • Max: Mom, how long were you thinking about making this yucky supper?
  • Max: Mom, why are you wearing black stuff on your eyebrows? (I was wearing mascara)
  • Max: Jesse, you can't win a fishing tournament with just one fish!
  • Maddie: Whenever we ask the kids if they want to go somewhere, Maddie always raises her hand up in the air and shouts "Me, Me, Me, Me, Me, Me, ..." She won't stop until we tell her she can come too!
  • Ben: Mom, how old will I be when I'm 16?
  • Max: I better get to bed now, no sense in putting it off.


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